Thursday, December 6, 2018

Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Two things prevent us from happiness; living in the past and observing others. #wisdom #affirmations
When you think of a thief what or who do you think of? A bank robber, a pickpocketer, an ex-girlfriend? Well true these may all be thieves, but we forget about those thieves that we make up in this world as we trend along. Thieves of the mind that take over at any given moment and take away our lively-hood. Going through life comparing yourself to others is something we all deal with on a daily basis. Whether it be objects or looks we are always comparing ourselves to those around us. We make up this ridiculous ranking system that actually doesn't exist. All the fake news and propaganda through the media and on our phones always makes us think that we are not adequate enough for this world. Do me a favor today, tomorrow and the next, don't compare just do you and do what you believe. Don't act like you are better or worse than anyone else. Work on you and your beliefs. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

50th Post

Hard to believe that this is the 50th post on here. I am more proud of myself for actually sticking to it rather than just giving up half way like my younger self used to. This blog post may not be the most educational, but to me it lets me know that the future is bright, and I am ready to take on the beast. Writing on here lets me express my feelings for self-motivation and how I see holistic health is the greatest factor you can incorporate into your life. Keep on trucking. Thank you to those who have been keeping up with me. Posts will begin to come weekly once again. Stay tuned!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Don't Run From Failure, Anticipate Failure

“Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo.” -Jon Sinclair | Quotes | Brush Lettering | Black and White | Hand Lettering | chrystalizabeth

Growing up I used to feel ashamed when I failed something, rather it be an exam or at a relationship. Failure is a feeling you have that makes you think and worry about the upcoming future and most certainly makes your dwell on the mistakes made in the past. However, now as I am an adult, failure is a part of life that you must grow from. If you are defeated by failure in the long term than something needs to change that every moment. Life happens, don't be bogged down by failure. Failure in a way creates new life and new beginnings. Different perspectives are born through failure. Who knows, maybe this failure will lead to the ever lasting abundance of life that everyone is offered in the world. Get back up and try again. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Dairy Contraversy

Gowardhan Milk Launches Hundred Percent Cows Milk In Delhi NCR

Dairy is one of the most controversial food groups in the United States. People say your drinking cows puss and blood, others say you are drinking nature's creamy beauty that is packed with nutrients that keep the body in a healthy manner. Well I am one the people that think dairy is a must in life and shouldn't be taken granted for. I understand that you can get calcium from fruits and vegetables, but did you know the calcium in milk is the most bioavailable? Also where can one get vitamin D in the winter time depending on where you live? Well milk is fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin D and calcium go hand in hand, so calcium gets absorbed more efficiently. 
Don't be scared to drink your milk, for both building bones and building muscle.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Take Advantage of Your Sick Days

It is that time of the year again and you just woke up sick with the common cold, you have a cough, a sneeze and you just want to sleep all day. I don't blame you, being sick is definitely a headache. However, don't think that you have to be bed ridden all day for the next few days to get the cold out of you. Take these days with a grain of salt and do something productive around the home. Do something that will supplement you to feel better. In the long run of things just because your sick doesn't mean you have to miss out on the next few days. Buck up and do your tasks you set out to do. By showing your will is stronger than your sickness you show to yourself that anything can be accomplished under any condition. Don't let the common cold define your next few days. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

You Create Your Own Universe As You Move Along

Some people would rather not here it. Those are the people that allow everyone around them to fall apart while they continue to play the victim. Look closer and you will see they are not the victim,just less courageous to listen and fix whats not right.

Quote by Winston Churchill. You make your own life and set your own path. Your footsteps are like the keys on a type writer. Of course there will be hardships and mistakes made on the way, but there will also be blissful moments and achievements made as well. Never settle when you think you have it figured out. The universe is always changing and evolving and never looking back. We humans tend to look back on things, and dwell on them and it will slow our progress. The universe keeps moving as should we. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Make Fiber Your Friend

high fiber foods chart

People may think the only benefit from fiber is no constipation, but there is such more to this undigestible nutrient. Not only does fiber help you defecate more smoothly, but it also will clean your bowel as it passes through. Your friendly bacteria in your gut will boost your immune system so illness will be more rare. That feeling of fullness can come from an excess amount of food, but you do not want that feeling. You want the feeling of fullness from fiber. Look for Insoluble fiber that comes from whole grains and vegetables. This type of fiber adds bulk to your stool and it will be easier to pass through your digestive tract. Soluble fiber comes fruits, oats, nuts, seeds, lentils and some vegetables. This type of fiber will help you feel full faster, great way to stop overeating and therefore lose weight. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Dress Your Bed As You Would Dress Yourself

Why making your bed is the first step to changing the world. #lifeadvice #inspiration

If it sounds like I am telling you to make your bed it is because I am. Making your bed is not for the reason for your room to look neat and clean. It is really for your day to start in the right step. Building your bed takes a few seconds, some people don't even bother with those few seconds. This small accomplishment will only be built upon as your day progresses. I am now writing this blog after the fact I made my bed before 6:30 in the morning. These small but evolutionary accomplishments build to more advanced accomplishments in the near future. Take time and dress your bed. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Your First 60-90 Minutes

Begin each day with optimism and end each day with forgiveness. Happiness in your life begins and ends within your heart.

This first hour of your day is crucial and is the most important part of your day everyday. When you first wake up in the morning, think about what usual do. Think? Watch TV? Scroll mindlessly on your phone? Or do you do something that will supplement the rest of your day? Such as morning exercise, reading, or writing. If your first 60-90 minutes are spent more in the productive category, than more than likely the rest of your day will be filled with more productive activity. Your alertness and awareness will change, that feeling of being groggy midday will be no more. You will want to achieve, not because you have to, but because you have a burning desire to conquer your morning. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


BE BRAVE! Bravery isn't about not being afraid....of course you are afraid!...It's about facing your fears despite your fear                                                                                                                                                     Más

Everyone needs an escape when it comes to life difficulties. Whether it be finances or facing a death can be some of the hardest times any human can experience. Escaping and not acknowledging the problem hands on will only lead to deeper grave of self. You may be able to run from the problems in the beginning, but they will catch up to you and strike with no mercy. Face your fears and face reality. It is the human way. You will become stronger after the matter of fact, and will be able to face challenges like the one you just conquered in the future ahead. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Never Be Distracted By Comparison

Image result for social media quotes

It is hard not to compare ourselves to one another these days. With social media constantly on our person we see how good some people have it. Rather it be relationships, successes or lifestyles. However never be bogged down by these illusions, the life's people live on Instagram are completely different outside the screen. We all need to understand that jealousy can never and should never be a part of social media. Social Media is not about the technical features but rather brings in sociological and psychological distress. The only way to escape it is to put the phone down and follow your own path that you already built in life. Find your purpose and there will be no need to compare.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Your Glycogen Storage

If you are into sports training or an athlete of any kind, your glycogen storage is vital to your overall performance. Carbohydrates, our main fuel source, are stored in your muscles and liver as glycogen. Your cells rapidly dissemble glycogen to glucose to extract ATP, the immediate energy source for cells. ATP can power someone through 100 meter dash and weightlifting. When it comes to running two miles or even running a whole marathon the oxygen energy system will be in use. This system can produce a tremendous amount of ATP and will also extract energy from fat as well as glucose. So if your are trying to lose fat the oxygen energy system will benefit you. When exercising for more than three hours you should consider drinking a sports drink to compensate for glycogen depletion. Once exhaustion and dehydration sets in your performance will plummet, so drink your fluids while exercising. 

Friday, July 20, 2018


job isn't working out? relationship going south? trying to fix something that remains broken? Failure is nothing more than a chance to revise your strategy.

The one thing no wants to come to terms with. It is as if you just reached the lowest point in your life. Whether it be an exam, relationship or career. It is hard to take failure, but it is even harder to get past it. Failure leads to everything negative, and if the person dwells on that they are only digging themselves a deeper hole to get out of. Once you fail, it is automatically in the past. It will be rough in the short term, just about everything you done you will start to second guess in life. No matter how heavy the failure is on the mind, we all have to somehow adjust and improve the next time around. We are all human, life isn't always flowers and rainbows. Who knows the failure you experienced in the past may lead you to a more fulfilling future. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

When a Door Closes a New One Opens

Focus on the present, not yesterday or tomorrow. As Helen Keller once said, “When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.” - via: know the feeling when a door slams in your face and locks from the outside. You are now locked out and you desperately try to reopen the door. Eventually you will come to the realization that the door will not open for you and you will have to move on. Moving on is a hard thing to do, but we all must do it when we have to. You feel lost and you start to second guess your decisions in life you made thus far. However, you can't be bullied by emotions during this time or you will lose yourself. During this time of hardship you must find yourself and pull yourself up from the ashes. Don't lose sight of the path you want to take in life, there will be more doors open on the way. 

Friday, July 6, 2018

Once you Start you Finish

Words of wisdom. DONT start something unless you feel strong enough about it to finish it or see it through.... also in relationships if your not going to do swoon someone with flowers, surprise lunch dates, talking on the phone, etc 20 years from now, don't do it in the beginning!!!!

Have this implemented every time you start something. Whether if it big or small you have to have the mind set of finishing the moment you start. Don't be the one who gives up on something half way through. In my opinion those who give up half way have a weaker mindset than those who never started to begin with. Of course there will be mistakes and slip ups on the way to the finish line, but those who triumph against them will cross the finish line eventually. No matter how long it takes if you keep going the finish line will soon be in view. Make life simple and finish whatever you want to start.

Friday, June 29, 2018

There is a Difference Between Planners and Dreamers

36 Motivational Quotes For Success #GuardianAngelReading #PadreMediumThose who dream and keep on dreaming are those who basically stay in bed all day and decipher and depict what their lives could look like. They want that life, but make no moves towards it. Those who plan though are on their way to the life they dreamed. Think of this as the Transtheoretical Model. However, only two of the six steps are described here. Think of the dreamers as those stuck in contemplation stage, and the planners in the action phase. All it takes is one courageous leap to get what you want out of this world. Dreaming isn't going to get you anywhere unless you act on the instinct.  

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Sometimes Darkness Can Show You The Light

Navigating through the roughs of life is something that no one wants to think about, let alone do. When one has lost all hope and literally has hit rock bottom, one can only go up from there. It's an unfortunate circumstance, but these things happen more and more often. However, once one accomplishes this feat, than anything is possible there after. Push through the tragedies to eat the fruits that life has to offer. 

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Every Blessing Ignored, Becomes a Curse

Another quote from the Alchemist that could have a thousand meanings. Whatever you are given in life, never take it for granted because you never know what the next day will hold for you. Enjoy the life you were given and those blessings will only grow stronger and more vibrant. However, if you ignore or become comfortable with those blessings around you, you will slowly see them fading away. Don't only live with your blessings, but enjoy them to an everlasting extent as well. 

Thursday, May 31, 2018

We Seem to Hold to Things When we Know we Should Let Go.

Always trust your instincts

May sound easy, but this is the base of what could make tomorrow a better day. Self-improvement is one of the hardest tasks to accomplish. Whether it be opening the doors to the gym, or just simply getting out of bed. We hold on to our selves and believe that everything will come to us. In reality this is never the case. To see the change you have to first feel the change. By letting go of whatever may be holding you back is the just the first step of many to becoming the person you always dream of. Start placing your thoughts in front of your feelings. Fear of being the person you dread will slowly fade and new beginnings will soon be knocking the door down.

Monday, May 21, 2018

The Truth can Free you, if you Let it.

The #truth is like a #lion. You don't have to #defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.

Let's get this straight. The truth on anything these days is easy to say, but hard to take in. The truth will free your body, mind and soul, but here's the catch; you have to let it in, sink in and let it stay there. A lingering lie is just as bad as any desire you wish to have, but won't put any action into the proposition. At first the truth to finally realize that a change for the better needs to happen will be hurtful. If you want to free yourself from yourself you have to come to the realization that a life isn't put together for you. Come to grips with yourself and stop giving yourself excuses to expand on. Expand on your true self, and you will realize you don't need any freeing. 

Friday, May 11, 2018

"When You Want Something, all the Universe conspires in helping you achieve it"

The universe always has your back. // H E A E L E R S podcast

Quote from "The Alchemist", by Paulo Coelho has a lot of uplifting secret messages. Making a plan to succeed may be the hardest part to anything and everything. Don't ever forget that you are not alone in trying to make something out of yourself. The universe wants what you want. Don't think the universe will ever just hand over your own achievements. Things will fall into place with self-discipline and continuous effort. Don't ever lose sight of your goals. Make your goals a consuming obsession until you know you have done the impossible, the universe will have your back. 

Monday, April 30, 2018

A Goal Without a Plan is just a Wish

 The cost of not following your heart, is spending the rest of your life wishing you had. ..

It is a wish that will constantly linger around, until steps are made to achieve that goal. We all need wishes; it is the very first step to achieve anything and everything. However, one can not just rely on that wish to all of a sudden come true. Implementing a plan revolving around that wish will become an unconditional desire. A desire that will keep growing until it is an overall obsession to complete it. The things we wish for, the things we dreamed of. We all think they would just appear, and than our lives would start. A life starts whenever that person wants to. Live out the story you want to tell, and always feel like you have a complete life. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Follow Your Passion Not a Paycheck

2018 Best Inspirational & Motivational Quotes

Everyone wants that high paying career not for their passions, but for their indulgences. People don't even realize it until they are at the top and still haven't found that source of happiness. The career these people built will not only be a drag every day, but a burden on their heart and soul. The respect they have for themselves will shrivel up just like their lively hood. Being alive isn't about being yourself anymore and it will be miserable. Happiness is hard to find in a paycheck. Your passion though will lead to forever lasting happiness. You will create yourself through your passion. 

Monday, April 16, 2018

Limit the Amount of Excuses to Find the Results

Find the reasons, lose the excuses, gain the results. Fitness Motivation / Workout Quotes / Gym Inspiration / Motivational Quotes / Motivation

Drain yourself of those excuses to make yourself whole again. Excuses are easy to come by, even though we crave ever lasting results. We blame ourselves day after day, or even worse, we blame others. Ignite that fire from within you and tie the tourniquet around the excuses that hold you back. We need to find the pain we stray from and instead embrace it. The results will come rushing in while suffocating your excuses. Crawl back into your own skin and face your life that was given to you. Don't live inside your own hell.  

Friday, April 13, 2018

There is no Finish Line

Kobbymendez on Instagram: “Siempre habrá otra meta por alcanzar #nike” • Instagram

We set goals. Some of us accomplish them, and some never attempt to find the path to that goal. For those who build up to those goals, do they just stop in their tracks and say, "Well I did it, my life is now complete and I could die happy." Of course not, they now set bigger and more challenging goals. Don't think that once you accomplish one thing you will just be fully content with life. Stay hungry, and stay humble. Your endeavor into your own life has no finish line, it is a never ending marathon of ups and downs along the way. The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

By Surrendering you Find Acceptance

HAPPINESS is...Surrendering not as a sign of quitting but as a moment of truth...

Life is full of setbacks, but it is also full of rewards. You have to make sacrifices to get where you want to be. By realizing this, you are already a hundred steps ahead of the game. Abandon your old thoughts that made you think were beneficial. The old traits that worked before will not work in the upcoming future. You will enlighten yourself by giving up the ego and you will experience eagerness and growth. Things are impermanent so never give all your energy to the things that don't matter in your life. Instead of trying to find yourself in this world; create yourself instead. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Take the Risk or Lose the Chance

grafika quote, chance, and risk

We put so much thought into the risk that we seem to forget we also have to put emphasis into the chance. I'm not saying don't go into something without thinking of the risk, but remember there is no such thing as success without the chance of risking failure. When you do decide to take that risk, failure is inevitable. Those defiant enough to embrace failure instead run away from it, will utterly take every opportunity that is thrown at them. The more opportunities one sees, the more of a chance of landing on the moon.

Friday, April 6, 2018

You Have to Nourish To Flourish

“We couldn't agree more with @Institute for Integrative Nutrition here // Simply put: we find nourishment on (and off) the plate. If you're ready to transform your health…”

Whatever you put into the body it will show on the outside as well. Every time you have the opportunity to eat cookies over fruit, we all may choose the cookies. Those who chose the fruit though, are not only eating healthier, but smarter as well. The smarter your food bank becomes the healthier and more happy as a person in their own skin you become. Happiness may come from those cookies for a brief moment, but the attitude you have for yourself after the fact is probably not as positive. Save yourself the pathetic grief and go for the fruit; always go for the fruit. Your body will reward you in so many more ways than you know. Think long-term gains from the fruits in life and you will be unstoppable.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Be Afraid Not To Try

Always try, it's the only way to do anything.

We always fear the beginning, the middle, and the outcome of trying a new venture. The main thing that blocks us from trying anything is doubt. The feeling of doubt knows no boundaries. Doubt will settle in and stay permanently unless we do something about it. Once that feeling of doubt comes in with one thing, it will start a domino effect. Whether it be a relationship trying to stick together or a simple job interview; trying to accomplish either is hard to do. Let failure in for a momentary visit and ban not to try from your capillary settings. That feeling of doubt is no match against a pursing human like you. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

What Seems Hard Now Will One Day be a Warm-up

Gymaholic motivational workout quote

Adapting to a healthier lifestyle, going to the gym, or putting the midnight treat down for once; it is always difficult to start the journey. Putting that one foot forward is the hardest part. So many questions are asked in the beginning whether it be the duration, investment of money, or doubts. Trust me about dietary habits; I myself have Celiac Disease and adapting to a completely gluten free regimen was not easy. However, I didn't have a choice, so I had to adhere to the change or else I would suffer the consequences. Once I got the hang of it, I started picking up new healthy habits, whether it be building relationships or exercising on a routinely basis. Just pretend that your life depends on the new healthy habit your trying to master and it will all come full circle. 

Friday, March 30, 2018

What are you Willing to do to have a Prosperous life?

#success is not a quick straight path. Instead it is one with many curves and detours. Perseverance will get you to your final destination.
Not exactly a witty title, but this is reality and always had been. One must first ask themselves if they are willing to make the next step. Most would never even attempt this road, some would fail and than give up, but the few who keep going will utterly succeed. Giving up at any certain point is just as bad as not starting, if not worse. Those who seek the fortune have to seek the path. This path is filled with obstacles that will physically and mentally break anyone down who tries to attempt to maneuver through it. Be patient, and enduring on any self-made quest. Those who can sustain in the short-term will become accustom to whatever life may throw at them in the long-term. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

You Can't Control the Wind but you Can Adjust the Sail

You can't control the wind but you can adjust the sails!  Original artwork and calligraphy by Sam Clove at The Elevated Journey.

Whatever life throws at someone it's okay to get knocked down by it. However, one has to get back up from the setback to finally achieve the long awaiting goal. Adjustments and setbacks are part of human nature. Whether it be a minor setback, like a failing an exam, or major setback such as losing a loved one; it is okay to be dreary for a time being. As time passes we all move on, rather we want to or not. We have to remember that our past can't and will not predict our future. Being stoic during these rough patches will define you in the present and ultimately in the future.

Monday, March 26, 2018

First Learn then Remove the 'L'

There are many steps in learning. The mind is constantly absorbing new information, but are we training our hard-drives to accumulate more beneficial information? We tend to store the beliefs that we aren't skillful or knowledgeable enough to accomplish achievements done in the past. The very first step of self-actualization is realizing that one can not earn until one has learned. Without the determination to learn, excelling in life will never become your asset. Feed the wolf that is your mind because it is a carnivorous beast always wanting more. But be careful to feed the right one.

Feeding the good in each of us is often a challenge; it may be difficult at times, but the effort is worth it. #good #evil

Friday, March 23, 2018

You were Born an Original. Not a Copy

Success comes in many shapes and sizes, however finding the path towards the final goal is not only difficult, but also very mind adapting. Our brains are like an organic hard drive with an unlimited amount of space. The only catch is that we usually store useless crap or haunting memories in there. We all think that when we are put into the world we have to follow someone else's footprints to get to where we want to be. The school system teaches us how to go out in the world and look for a job, rather then create one. Finding your niche is why you were brought into this world. Go out and find it, rather than looking in the same direction as everyone else. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Don't Burn your Opportunities for a Temporary Comfort -mZnxaPNte6s WF0-zGbpkgI AAAAAAAAG64 hHuSoI5icM0QEJCZUxg7iUJsjOh92-0uQCLcB s1600 16%2B-%2B1.jpg

We as humans are always looking for the shortcuts and instant gratification. We seem to forget that patience in the end will pay off in the long term. To completely be a master at something one has to work for a solid decade at whatever the subject may be. People these days can barely do something new for ten minutes without quitting. Reaching that feeling of instant gratification is more of an escape from the real issues we all deal with. Temporary comfort comes in a lot of forms ranging from self-indulging in unhealthy snacks or streaming through social media. Realizing that these short bursts of instant gratification are flawed is only the first step into taking any opportunity and making it yours to conquer.

Monday, March 19, 2018

You can't Defeat the Demons you Enjoy Playing With.

You see these so called demons are trying to escape just as much as you are if not more. We all have a certain set of demons within us rather it be our looks, our income, or self-confidence. We are the ones keeping the demons captive because we enjoy their presence, it's almost as if we like the pain they come with. However, in reality we as humans are always looking for something to blame and these so called demons are the perfect suspect. Indulging on this selfless act will only be giving you a bigger hole to climb out of. One must first blame themselves to achieve faith, obedience and discipline. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Control your Mind or Let your Mind Control you

Once you have control over your mind..

To be the best you can possibly be you cannot be a slave in chains to your mind. It may be easy to get a grasp on your mind in stressful times, but the key is to take control effortlessly. We are always wrapped up in our own mind and feelings, and this will usually lead us into a downward spiral into wasted mixed emotions. Life is full of turns, don't get lost on the way to your destination. The mind is truly a remarkable thing because you are in control at all times even if it doesn't feel like you are. Hard times will come and go, you are in control of when to take control of the situation rather than let it swallow you whole. Feelings of disappointment can either drown you, or shape you, sometimes it may be just another beginning.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

With any Addiction, Relapse isn't failure. Giving up is Failure.

Relapse does not erase your Successes of Recovery
Once one realizes there is a problem with a certain addictive habit and then takes action towards fixing that harmful behavior, that person is on there way out of the hole of resentment. The action phase will set in and as time goes on the maintenance phase will be imminent.  If one has finally overcame his or her indiscretion, but relapsed, he or she is still hundreds of steps ahead of those still pinned in the pre-contemplative phase. A relapse may be an unsettling push back into old habits, but it is all a learning process. Life is full of setbacks, those who dwell on setbacks and give up have ultimately failed. Learning from a relapse will only make one stronger if not unstoppable. 

Monday, March 12, 2018

Good Questions Lead to Better Questions

Who the hell wants to hear the answers anymore? Actually, let me reword that and instead of looking for the answers, look deeper in for the questions. Why just accept your fate, when you can question its entirety too? Everyone loves finding the answer, but just before they do, they are usually fearful of the question. Always wondering if they are ever going to figure it out. We get asked to complete tasks and mind numbing questions on a daily basis. Life is filled with questions to better one self. The basic blocks of knowledge are always started out as a curious question or questions. Answers are the puzzle pieces while the questions are the directions in completing the puzzle. Here's the trick, you don't want to ever finish your puzzle.

The four corners of your puzzle are mainly the questions that you are built of off of and the ones you don't want to get fully answered. They are the questions that you will keep picking away at, and discovering new ways to ask that question. Always maneuvering the piece so that the mind will keep you up to pace. Pondering on a mysterious question and borderline impossible question is what makes our minds work and keeps us sane, even if it doesn't feel like it does. As you go deeper into your puzzle more memories and regretful mistakes will be made. Emotions run fluidly like a roller coaster with multiple twists and turns, ups and downs. Just follow your heart and fate will soon be knocking.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

"It's not the quality of the sketch, it's the quality of the idea"

Gianni Versace, one of the greatest fashion designers of all time. You would think that his work became a world wide hit on the first try. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. I'm sure we all wish that our first try would be a success, but it takes countless efforts to receive the reward we strive for. Keep working on the idea rather than the sketch. Once the idea comes full circle your work will already be sketched out, you just have to follow the lines. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

"When we Strive to Become Better than we are, Everything Around us Becomes Better, too"

"When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every time the sun rises.” ~ The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho) Mhm, so perceive, reflect, renew... in gratitude. Read the Soulful Sparks and be inspired.

Quote by Paulo Coelho, author of "The Alchemist". The words up above speak for themselves. If we were to start to take things in with an open mind and a full heart everything will start to come full circle. All of our pitfalls we believe we have will start to become more of a challenge rather than a burden. A challenge that is not impossible, but is difficult to overcome. If we were one day to take on that challenge, whatever it may be, we would most likely fail the first time around, and the same goes for the second and third. But as time goes on we learn and acknowledge our shortcomings. By being persistent and acting on ones faults, anything is possible. Building on those shortcomings day in and day out will eventually subside and we will discover how easy it is to take on any given challenge that is thrown at us from the universe. Remember the universe is always on our side, but don't forget we have to be the one behind the steering wheel.

Monday, March 5, 2018

What are They Going to Think?

You may be asking yourself, "Who are they?" "They" are your feelings guiding you into dismay once again. We all believe that those around us are constantly judging our appearances and actions, but in reality that isn't true at all. Maybe in a few circumstances, but overall we all tend to overthink this concept. And by doing that we are pretty much giving up our soul and dignity. We think that our beliefs don't matter anymore, as long as others approve we will find happiness. It's almost as if we were all built to live off other's thoughts, rather than our own. Those who can understand their own intuition and find what others think is motivating, are the strongest, and most self-driven people out there. Everyone who has succeeded in life all had non-believers crawling up their skin day in and day out. Always remember there will be altered tastes out there. Start on a thought, excel, block out the doubt, and repeat.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Be the Epitome of Doing

Live life without hesitation. One has to remember that sometimes there will be no next time. Just by realizing this people will grow the courage to act on a thought. Act on your thoughts rather than your feelings. You know why? Your feelings are always working against you. Feelings will take over the mind into making you think that is an awful idea. Feelings will make you think you will make a complete fool out of yourself. Not many can overcome their personal feelings. Takes an act of courage to defeat those "Negative Nancys" in your head. Take the punches as they come rather then sit out over by the sidelines where it is safe. It may be safe, but you will never reach what you want to get out of life. Your silence will create distance within yourself, bringing out the truth will create those connections that will lead to a more whole life.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Growing Old is a Privilege

I believe growing old and living your life isn't a right and it was never was. With age comes more experience, connections and above all knowledge about oneself and the world around them. Never take your life for granted, not even for instant. It was never and will never be a right to grow old. Those that are starting to think they are becoming older, they will never get to have fun at the age they are at right at this very moment. Live life with the intent to excel at any given age. How to Grow Grace Ward Lithodora

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Your Network is your Networth

One can not get far in life with poor networking skills. It may sound easy connecting with others, but in reality it is a difficult task to start. But once a network has all four corners turning, a network can grow at an immense rate. Take for example this Guyanese fellow I know at my local gym. One of the most outgoing guys I know. He knows just about every man, boy, girl and woman at the fitness center during the time slot he goes. The interactions he has with people inside the gym can easily be reflected to what his social life is outside the gym. He is a very affluent man solely off his network. He is the chairman of several companies, and has never been to the office buildings. It is hard to believe but it is the truth.

Acts of kindness only go so far in growing a life for oneself. A network can only go so far if one only partakes in a small social group. The act of building a relationship from the ground up is something us humans take for granted. For crying out loud we make masterpieces each and every day by the words we speak and the movements we make. The hardest part (just like everything else in life) is getting started. Do something out of the ordinary tomorrow, and you will see how you can excel in the world of networking.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Love People, Use Things

People seem to flip-flop this aspect of life. Consumerism keeps hitting all time highs. With all the new fashion and fancy gadgets who could blame society? Hell, just about every week there is a new in trend outfit to try on. We all think this constant buying of things will make us happy. It's as if we are trying to fill up a void within us. Tell you the truth, you could go buy a Tesla tomorrow and still feel like crap the next day, if you think happiness is defined by luxury.

Living life to the fullest isn't defined by the things you own, but by the people who care and have ever lasting love for you. People dream of becoming rich one day and not having a care in the world. However, people have a skewed view of what being rich actually is. One can go on living the "American Dream", but it isn't exactly his or her dream they actually want to follow. The media has led us to believe that happiness comes from excessive consumerism, and many people (including myself) have fallen under the spell.

I recommend watching the Netflix documentary, Minimalism. It's an eye-opening film about what things are actually necessary in life. However, I believe some of the individuals went to the extremes, but that is just my opinion. Leave a comment below if you agree or disagree with this kind of lifestyle.

Monday, February 26, 2018

You Are Your Own Fear

Fear is created, and than manipulated by the human mind. Fear is a feeling, just like being happy or sad. It is hard to overcome because our minds will override the situation. Fear could range from anything. Could be an employee asking for a raise, or a man at a bar approaching an attractive woman. We create numerous fears throughout the day. We first hesitate and moments later we feel paralyzed. But you know what the greatest fear of them all is? Regret. Regret, not talking to an old friend. Regret, staying in an abusive relationship. Regret, staying depressed when you know something could have been done about it.

We all fear throughout our short lives. We constantly live in fear because we want to know the outcome before even trying to start something. This is why we all work the typical 9-5 work weeks because we feel safe doing it. Without the fear factor life loses great value. It's an exuberant feeling to feel fearful in a given situation, and then that better feeling will come when you try to test that fear.

I'll leave you guys with a powerful quote from Marianne Williamson, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Seeing The World has Never Been Easier, but Harder as Well

You may be thinking to yourself that the harder part is because of all the distractions us humans now deal with. Ranging from the random crap we see on the news to the phones in our pocket. Well maybe a bit, but you have to remember to take in the world, rather then just look at it. Earth is an organism, just like us. The planet has its past, present, and future soon to come. It has a path that has many obstacles in the way, just like each of its inhabitants. We were not just put onto a random planet in the immense universe for no particular reason. The world around us is revolving and evolving right before our eyes.

We have the privilege of living on this mysterious world with constant wondering eyes. And this privilege is your world, and it only exists because you exist. That world is a self portrait of you that only has one set of footprints. You set a path on your inner and outer journey. Judgement from others should and will be set aside as your make your way through your world.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Persistence Will Eventually Overcome Resistance

I persevere. I am relentless. I persist. I keep going. Great Affirmation! We are your personal evolution system, 15 minutes a day towards a better you!

Those who never start will more likely find happiness in life than those who give up half through a mission. It's sad to say but it is true. At least for those who never start do not see a problem needing to be solved. But for those who give up know there is a problem, and it will always linger unless they do something about it.

The results will come out of something that is pushed and pulled on every day, rather it be for 15 minutes or for three hours. Rome was not built in a day and neither are you. We are constantly learning throughout life. Your true self will emerge when times get tough, instead of of being fearful of the upcoming challenge, why not embrace and learn from it? The harder the resistance is towards you, the more you have to do to overcome the circumstance. If you have faith in yourself you can conquer the world.

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Love/Hate Ratio

Like it or not, we are all bestowed one, the moment we are born until the moment we die. There will be people in your life that will care for you deeply and those who would like to see you drive your car off a cliff. I learned about this ratio when I took a trip down to Jamaica with my family. It was an eye-opening trip. Over this trip I tried to be polite and outgoing to everyone I met, rather it be a simple “hey, how is it going? What’s your name?” Or “What’s up man, what do a shot of rum?” And over the few days I got many people to respect me and want to hang out in the future. However, I also got those people (a whole tech company) that kicked me out of the night bar. I feel like you already know the answer to that one. 

The moral of the story is that it is okay to have a love/hate ratio. We are all human, not everyone you meet will like you. Dislikes from people can come from the most simple things such as the way they talk, or walk. Without this love/hate ratio we will never enjoy life. The love/hate ratio defines a person and the reputation with the world. It defines us, so it is okay if some people will never like us. They could kiss our ass.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

"Life is simple, but not easy"

Quote by Mel Robbins. Very inspirational and motivating woman. She makes you think on how much one can accomplish in just a mere five seconds. You may be asking yourself "simple, but not easy. How the does that make sense?" Well think about it. We choose to make it harder on ourselves for reasons that make no sense, no sense at all. We stress ourselves out over the most ridiculous things. Rather it be spilt milk or being stuck in traffic.

We all have to remember that life goes on. So we have to take every moment in, and embrace it. This will make us grow both physically and mentally. Life is hard enough already and whenever we make a mistake we choose to punish ourselves to believe that we are in the wrong. That is the way the mind works these days. Everything has to be perfect or else it is garbage. If we someday were to become picture perfect, we would all go mad. Our problems define who we are, and how we fit into this mysterious world. Embrace the next steps forward to your success and be ready for change. Becuase change is always happening in life. Instead of being afraid of the outcome, be ready to take on the challenge.