Monday, March 12, 2018

Good Questions Lead to Better Questions

Who the hell wants to hear the answers anymore? Actually, let me reword that and instead of looking for the answers, look deeper in for the questions. Why just accept your fate, when you can question its entirety too? Everyone loves finding the answer, but just before they do, they are usually fearful of the question. Always wondering if they are ever going to figure it out. We get asked to complete tasks and mind numbing questions on a daily basis. Life is filled with questions to better one self. The basic blocks of knowledge are always started out as a curious question or questions. Answers are the puzzle pieces while the questions are the directions in completing the puzzle. Here's the trick, you don't want to ever finish your puzzle.

The four corners of your puzzle are mainly the questions that you are built of off of and the ones you don't want to get fully answered. They are the questions that you will keep picking away at, and discovering new ways to ask that question. Always maneuvering the piece so that the mind will keep you up to pace. Pondering on a mysterious question and borderline impossible question is what makes our minds work and keeps us sane, even if it doesn't feel like it does. As you go deeper into your puzzle more memories and regretful mistakes will be made. Emotions run fluidly like a roller coaster with multiple twists and turns, ups and downs. Just follow your heart and fate will soon be knocking.

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