Monday, March 5, 2018

What are They Going to Think?

You may be asking yourself, "Who are they?" "They" are your feelings guiding you into dismay once again. We all believe that those around us are constantly judging our appearances and actions, but in reality that isn't true at all. Maybe in a few circumstances, but overall we all tend to overthink this concept. And by doing that we are pretty much giving up our soul and dignity. We think that our beliefs don't matter anymore, as long as others approve we will find happiness. It's almost as if we were all built to live off other's thoughts, rather than our own. Those who can understand their own intuition and find what others think is motivating, are the strongest, and most self-driven people out there. Everyone who has succeeded in life all had non-believers crawling up their skin day in and day out. Always remember there will be altered tastes out there. Start on a thought, excel, block out the doubt, and repeat.

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