Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Love People, Use Things

People seem to flip-flop this aspect of life. Consumerism keeps hitting all time highs. With all the new fashion and fancy gadgets who could blame society? Hell, just about every week there is a new in trend outfit to try on. We all think this constant buying of things will make us happy. It's as if we are trying to fill up a void within us. Tell you the truth, you could go buy a Tesla tomorrow and still feel like crap the next day, if you think happiness is defined by luxury.

Living life to the fullest isn't defined by the things you own, but by the people who care and have ever lasting love for you. People dream of becoming rich one day and not having a care in the world. However, people have a skewed view of what being rich actually is. One can go on living the "American Dream", but it isn't exactly his or her dream they actually want to follow. The media has led us to believe that happiness comes from excessive consumerism, and many people (including myself) have fallen under the spell.

I recommend watching the Netflix documentary, Minimalism. It's an eye-opening film about what things are actually necessary in life. However, I believe some of the individuals went to the extremes, but that is just my opinion. Leave a comment below if you agree or disagree with this kind of lifestyle.

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