Friday, February 23, 2018

The Love/Hate Ratio

Like it or not, we are all bestowed one, the moment we are born until the moment we die. There will be people in your life that will care for you deeply and those who would like to see you drive your car off a cliff. I learned about this ratio when I took a trip down to Jamaica with my family. It was an eye-opening trip. Over this trip I tried to be polite and outgoing to everyone I met, rather it be a simple “hey, how is it going? What’s your name?” Or “What’s up man, what do a shot of rum?” And over the few days I got many people to respect me and want to hang out in the future. However, I also got those people (a whole tech company) that kicked me out of the night bar. I feel like you already know the answer to that one. 

The moral of the story is that it is okay to have a love/hate ratio. We are all human, not everyone you meet will like you. Dislikes from people can come from the most simple things such as the way they talk, or walk. Without this love/hate ratio we will never enjoy life. The love/hate ratio defines a person and the reputation with the world. It defines us, so it is okay if some people will never like us. They could kiss our ass.

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