Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Your Network is your Networth

One can not get far in life with poor networking skills. It may sound easy connecting with others, but in reality it is a difficult task to start. But once a network has all four corners turning, a network can grow at an immense rate. Take for example this Guyanese fellow I know at my local gym. One of the most outgoing guys I know. He knows just about every man, boy, girl and woman at the fitness center during the time slot he goes. The interactions he has with people inside the gym can easily be reflected to what his social life is outside the gym. He is a very affluent man solely off his network. He is the chairman of several companies, and has never been to the office buildings. It is hard to believe but it is the truth.

Acts of kindness only go so far in growing a life for oneself. A network can only go so far if one only partakes in a small social group. The act of building a relationship from the ground up is something us humans take for granted. For crying out loud we make masterpieces each and every day by the words we speak and the movements we make. The hardest part (just like everything else in life) is getting started. Do something out of the ordinary tomorrow, and you will see how you can excel in the world of networking.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Love People, Use Things

People seem to flip-flop this aspect of life. Consumerism keeps hitting all time highs. With all the new fashion and fancy gadgets who could blame society? Hell, just about every week there is a new in trend outfit to try on. We all think this constant buying of things will make us happy. It's as if we are trying to fill up a void within us. Tell you the truth, you could go buy a Tesla tomorrow and still feel like crap the next day, if you think happiness is defined by luxury.

Living life to the fullest isn't defined by the things you own, but by the people who care and have ever lasting love for you. People dream of becoming rich one day and not having a care in the world. However, people have a skewed view of what being rich actually is. One can go on living the "American Dream", but it isn't exactly his or her dream they actually want to follow. The media has led us to believe that happiness comes from excessive consumerism, and many people (including myself) have fallen under the spell.

I recommend watching the Netflix documentary, Minimalism. It's an eye-opening film about what things are actually necessary in life. However, I believe some of the individuals went to the extremes, but that is just my opinion. Leave a comment below if you agree or disagree with this kind of lifestyle.

Monday, February 26, 2018

You Are Your Own Fear

Fear is created, and than manipulated by the human mind. Fear is a feeling, just like being happy or sad. It is hard to overcome because our minds will override the situation. Fear could range from anything. Could be an employee asking for a raise, or a man at a bar approaching an attractive woman. We create numerous fears throughout the day. We first hesitate and moments later we feel paralyzed. But you know what the greatest fear of them all is? Regret. Regret, not talking to an old friend. Regret, staying in an abusive relationship. Regret, staying depressed when you know something could have been done about it.

We all fear throughout our short lives. We constantly live in fear because we want to know the outcome before even trying to start something. This is why we all work the typical 9-5 work weeks because we feel safe doing it. Without the fear factor life loses great value. It's an exuberant feeling to feel fearful in a given situation, and then that better feeling will come when you try to test that fear.

I'll leave you guys with a powerful quote from Marianne Williamson, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Seeing The World has Never Been Easier, but Harder as Well

You may be thinking to yourself that the harder part is because of all the distractions us humans now deal with. Ranging from the random crap we see on the news to the phones in our pocket. Well maybe a bit, but you have to remember to take in the world, rather then just look at it. Earth is an organism, just like us. The planet has its past, present, and future soon to come. It has a path that has many obstacles in the way, just like each of its inhabitants. We were not just put onto a random planet in the immense universe for no particular reason. The world around us is revolving and evolving right before our eyes.

We have the privilege of living on this mysterious world with constant wondering eyes. And this privilege is your world, and it only exists because you exist. That world is a self portrait of you that only has one set of footprints. You set a path on your inner and outer journey. Judgement from others should and will be set aside as your make your way through your world.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Persistence Will Eventually Overcome Resistance

I persevere. I am relentless. I persist. I keep going. Great Affirmation! We are your personal evolution system, 15 minutes a day towards a better you!

Those who never start will more likely find happiness in life than those who give up half through a mission. It's sad to say but it is true. At least for those who never start do not see a problem needing to be solved. But for those who give up know there is a problem, and it will always linger unless they do something about it.

The results will come out of something that is pushed and pulled on every day, rather it be for 15 minutes or for three hours. Rome was not built in a day and neither are you. We are constantly learning throughout life. Your true self will emerge when times get tough, instead of of being fearful of the upcoming challenge, why not embrace and learn from it? The harder the resistance is towards you, the more you have to do to overcome the circumstance. If you have faith in yourself you can conquer the world.

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Love/Hate Ratio

Like it or not, we are all bestowed one, the moment we are born until the moment we die. There will be people in your life that will care for you deeply and those who would like to see you drive your car off a cliff. I learned about this ratio when I took a trip down to Jamaica with my family. It was an eye-opening trip. Over this trip I tried to be polite and outgoing to everyone I met, rather it be a simple “hey, how is it going? What’s your name?” Or “What’s up man, what do a shot of rum?” And over the few days I got many people to respect me and want to hang out in the future. However, I also got those people (a whole tech company) that kicked me out of the night bar. I feel like you already know the answer to that one. 

The moral of the story is that it is okay to have a love/hate ratio. We are all human, not everyone you meet will like you. Dislikes from people can come from the most simple things such as the way they talk, or walk. Without this love/hate ratio we will never enjoy life. The love/hate ratio defines a person and the reputation with the world. It defines us, so it is okay if some people will never like us. They could kiss our ass.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

"Life is simple, but not easy"

Quote by Mel Robbins. Very inspirational and motivating woman. She makes you think on how much one can accomplish in just a mere five seconds. You may be asking yourself "simple, but not easy. How the does that make sense?" Well think about it. We choose to make it harder on ourselves for reasons that make no sense, no sense at all. We stress ourselves out over the most ridiculous things. Rather it be spilt milk or being stuck in traffic.

We all have to remember that life goes on. So we have to take every moment in, and embrace it. This will make us grow both physically and mentally. Life is hard enough already and whenever we make a mistake we choose to punish ourselves to believe that we are in the wrong. That is the way the mind works these days. Everything has to be perfect or else it is garbage. If we someday were to become picture perfect, we would all go mad. Our problems define who we are, and how we fit into this mysterious world. Embrace the next steps forward to your success and be ready for change. Becuase change is always happening in life. Instead of being afraid of the outcome, be ready to take on the challenge.