Friday, June 29, 2018

There is a Difference Between Planners and Dreamers

36 Motivational Quotes For Success #GuardianAngelReading #PadreMediumThose who dream and keep on dreaming are those who basically stay in bed all day and decipher and depict what their lives could look like. They want that life, but make no moves towards it. Those who plan though are on their way to the life they dreamed. Think of this as the Transtheoretical Model. However, only two of the six steps are described here. Think of the dreamers as those stuck in contemplation stage, and the planners in the action phase. All it takes is one courageous leap to get what you want out of this world. Dreaming isn't going to get you anywhere unless you act on the instinct.  

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Sometimes Darkness Can Show You The Light

Navigating through the roughs of life is something that no one wants to think about, let alone do. When one has lost all hope and literally has hit rock bottom, one can only go up from there. It's an unfortunate circumstance, but these things happen more and more often. However, once one accomplishes this feat, than anything is possible there after. Push through the tragedies to eat the fruits that life has to offer. 

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Every Blessing Ignored, Becomes a Curse

Another quote from the Alchemist that could have a thousand meanings. Whatever you are given in life, never take it for granted because you never know what the next day will hold for you. Enjoy the life you were given and those blessings will only grow stronger and more vibrant. However, if you ignore or become comfortable with those blessings around you, you will slowly see them fading away. Don't only live with your blessings, but enjoy them to an everlasting extent as well.